CUHK has been supporting and promoting innovative researches to drive social progress and better human lives. According to the report of the Research Assessment Exercise 2020 (RAE 2020) released earlier by the University Grants Committee (UGC), CUHK is the best performer in four assessment panels with the highest ratio achieving “3 star” and “4 star” (categorised as “world leading” or “internationally excellent” respectively), and is ahead of the eight UGC-funded universities. The panels are engineering (94%), electrical & electronic engineering (87%), law (83%) and education (68%), and the engineering discipline has the highest ratio of “4 star” among the other universities.

Many other disciplines have also shown encouraging achievements in their research performance by attaining “world leading / internationally excellent” standard including engineering and technology, arts and humanities, social sciences, life and physical sciences, clinical medicine, business and economics. The RAE 2020 assesses the performance of the eight UGC-funded universities based on three elements of the overall quality profiles: research output, research impact and research environment. There are 13 assessment panels adopting a rating system of five categories.

Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, said, “In the CUHK Strategic Plan 2021-2025, we have set very clear targets and goals for research excellence with purpose and responsibility. The RAE results will serve as a useful guide for our action plans in the coming years.”

For more details about the results of RAE 2020, please visit: