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A vision to build Asia’s microbiome biotechnology hub

A vision to build Asia’s microbiome biotechnology hub

A multidisciplinary team led by gastroenterologists Professor Francis Chan Ka-leung and Professor Ng Siew-chien believe that the microbiome is the next frontier of medicine. For over a decade, the two clinician-scientists have been making cutting-edge innovations to identify and treat different diseases and translating them into clinical service and products for the benefit of the community.

Smart gut microbes boost our immune response against COVID-19

It might surprise you that our immune systems have a memory, and it is crucial in our battle against diseases like COVID-19. The secret of improving this memory might be living inside you already. A research team from CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine has discovered the critical role that certain gut bacteria can play in lengthening the duration of immune responses to COVID-19 vaccines. The problem is, not everyone has them. As a result, they’ve come up with a supplement containing the beneficial bacteria, and demonstrated how effective it can be in boosting immunity. Now they’re looking at what our gut microbiome can do to protect us from other diseases.

Gut Feeling about Handling Long COVID

The Microbiota I-Centre of CUHK has identified distinct gut microbiome profiles that can characterise “long COVID”. This is the world’s first study to demonstrate gut microbiota as a key determinant of long COVID. These distinct gut microbial signatures can be used as a diagnostic tool and to guide therapy.


Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis Increases the Risk of Long COVID

People who have recovered from a COVID-19 infection may suffer from poor memory, hair loss, difficulty in sleeping and other long-term consequences, which are commonly known as “long COVID”. CU Medicine has found that patients with long COVID have a less diverse gut microbiome, indicating that gut microbiome composition may be linked to the risk of developing long COVID, while gut microbiota modulation could facilitate timely recovery and reduce the burden of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome.