Articles with Tag

AI Guided Magnetic Endoscope Gives Surgeon Uncluttered Hands-free View

Magnets, play an important role in daily life, sometimes an invisible one, from refrigerator doors, credit cards, computers to high-speed maglev trains and more. A CUHK Surgery team’s invention of an intelligently guided magnetic endoscope brings an exciting new advance in minimally invasive thoracic surgery. No collisions between scope and scalpel, smooth video coverage of the cavity and no clean-up interruptions.

Understand Hand-Eye Coordination of Surgical Robots for a Safer Operation

Surgical robots are commonly used in minimally invasive surgery and their accuracy holds the key to a successful operation. CUHK researchers have developed a world-first AI system with a novel deep learning method to optimise the gesture recognition of robots. The intelligent cognitive assistance not only allows robots to operate with greater precision for a safer surgery, but also wins patients’ trust in robotic surgery.